Incentives – long queue so the best win.
EU funds are primarily incentives for entrepreneurs, which enable them to develop their business. Projects which are co-financed, may concern, for example, the implementation of innovations, R&D work, RES Installation or participation in fairs. Apart from EU funds, entrepreneurs can also use of national instruments, such as Programme for Supporting Investment of Strategic Importance for Polish Economy 2011-2030 or the numerous environmental programmes offered by the National Environment Protection Fund (NFOŚ). However, the scale of available funds is always smaller than needs reported by entrepreneurs, which means that only the best prepared projects receive funding.
What do we do as part of the service?
- Analysis of projects in order to verify the possibility of applying for public support,
- Verification of criteria for an SME on the basis of state aid regulations and practice,
- Preparation of applications for funding including development of business plans/feasibility studies with financial analyses,
- Settlement of received funding and reporting support,
- Interpretation of current state aid issues,
- Preparation for the funding control and support during it.
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